Posts Tagged ‘Love and Happiness’


So It Begins Again

March 24, 2011

Good Morning Everyone!

Coming to you live on another side. As with the other, I will be your host on this adventure. You can call me Penny…Penny Picayune. In the rare chance you happen to have stumbled onto this blog already knowing of one Penny Picayune that would lead me to guess that you also follow the untitledincandide blog. And if this were indeed the case, thank you for following the latter and thank you for stumbling onto this one. One which, will be treated in a very similar manner as the latter, but instead of there being many; there is only one.

Every blog should have a reason for existence . But, unfortunately, I have yet to determine what that existence-defining reason is. I do know from untitled that writing not as technically as I have been does provide a nice break from a rather drab and mundane work essence. So that is a good thing. Maybe this blog will exist for the sole purpose of maintaining (love and) happiness. Or perhaps this blog will exist simply to determine why this blog does exist. Ah…that’s the one.

So my dear friends, sit back and relax with that Coke and a smile, as it will hopefully be a random ride. Until next time.